Suppliers and Installers of Royal Grass®
The market leaders in Artificial Grass
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Here are some photos and comments about recent artificial grass projects we have carried out in Belfast, Carrickfergus, Jordanstown, Greenisland, Glengormley and Newtownabbey. to insert title text here ...
As we start to look at some of our recent projects, I would first point out that there are two key areas to be considered when getting an area of artificial grass. One is the right type of grass that is going to perform well and the other is the installation itself. At first glance all grasses look reasonaly similar, but in truth there is a world of difference in how grasses will perform over time. The basic laws of buisness dictate buy a product cheap and sell it for as much profit as possible. This is happening alot where artificial grass is concerned. There is alot of grass coming in from China and been marketed as mid to top of the range grasses. With Royal Grass you are assured the best european grasses in the industry, but admittidedly it takes a certain level of discernment to uncover what the differences are. The second area where discernment is called for before you invest your hard earned cash is the installation of the grass. Once again as we have been out and about, it is shocking to see what some installers are getting away with inorder to maxamise their profits. click to insert body text here ...

The picture above and to the left is what i recently came across when I lifted the corner of artificial grass recently installed by a well know local company. The levels where all over the place in the garden and this is inpart because there was know fine material placed over the stone subbase in order to get acurate levels. Some people are laying in quarry dust in order to get a finer top layer for to achieve more acurate levelling. Quarry dust goes hard near like concrete once it is wet and then dries, this will not let your new lawn drain as it should. There is no substitute for free draining red paving sand. It compacts well, it drains well and acurate levelling can be achieved. The photo to the right is from one of our recent projects in Newtownabbey BT36. Another point worth noting is the use of thin black weed membrane in the left hand photo. Again this is a cheaper inferior option to civil engineering grade terram, which gives more stability and is by far the better option. Please note in the photos below where we have used white terram.

Many of the grasses on the market today are made by carpet manufacturers, which are then supplied and fitted by flooring retailers. There is a world of difference between fitting a carpet on a solid indoor floor and installing an outdoor artificial lawn.
Royal Grass is closely entwinned with TenCate who manufacture the worlds best synthetic fibres for sports and now thanks to Royal Grass residential use, so you are guaranteed the best grasses available today in Northern Ireland. Sheridan Grass Solutions has over thirty years experience in landscaping. We are an award winning company that is pleased to offer top quality grasses and top quality installations. Heres a small insight into some of the projects we have recently completed.
Artificial Grass Belfast BT4

Artificial grass Carrickfergus BT37